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Open 5 Cannock Chase

Jeff and Jenn raced the Cannock Chase Open 5 as their first race together. Given that Jeff had completed the High Peak Marathon on Friday evening in a good time it was always going to be interesting!

They started on foot taking half the available 5 hours on the run stage in a large loop. For the mountain bike they opted to make the best use of the roads and avoid the checkpoints on the technical tracks. All too soon it was time to head for base rolling up with a comfortable 10 minutes to spare.

Although they weren't really in contention for the top two spots, third place was a great achievement. Not a bad start as Jenn's first adventure race. We might get her hooked yet!



Open 5 Hamsterley Forest

Jeff started off the New Year with a trip to Hamsterley Forest competing on his own. The 5 hour event is a large score competition navigating to checkpoints both on foot and by mountain bike.

Jeff chose to run first for 2 hours. A respectable 2.5 minute transition onto the bike left him the best part of 3 hours to pick up the bike checkpoints. Finishing 9th in the male solos sees him as one of the first to complete the three events counting towards a series place which currently has him in 2nd place overall. There are 3 more events in the series to come. Keep it up Jeff!

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