This is the diary of the MASIN aircraft based in Cranfield, UK flying on a UN funded project looking at oil and gas rig emissions in the North Sea.
25-Apr-18 |
Tom and Russ drive cargo back from Cranfield to BAS. |
23-Apr-18 |
Russ and James(eng) removing all instruments and packing. |
20-Apr-18 |
Flight 311. Vicky, Stephen, Tom, Prue. Rig survey. Removed WAS instruments after flight. |
19-Apr-18 |
Flight 310. Vicky, Alex, Stephen. |
18-Apr-18 |
Flight 309. Vicky, Tom, Stephen. Chemistry instrument inverter not switched on before power removal. |
17-Apr-18 |
Flight 308. Vicky, Alex, Stephen, Prue. Russ sick. Power removed before inverter switch over? |
16-Apr-18 |
Vicky, Tom, James start the day with EMI/EMC Test. Flight 307. Vicky, Tom, Stephen, Prue. Russ sick. |
13-Apr-18 |
Russ sick. Post maintenance aircraft test. EMI/EMC testing postponed until Monday. |
12-Apr-18 |
Day 4 of install. Extra changeover inverter and switch block arrives in the morning. Russ cables and fits and finalises the power wiring and completes the fit. Aircraft tidied ready for moving out of the hangar tomorrow. Starting to test and configure. Licor instrument data is not being logged. Software reconfigured to suit instrument fit. |
11-Apr-18 |
Day 3 of install for James and Russ. James France visited. LGRs fitted. Pump rates measured. Chemistry instruments plumbed in and leak tested. Flow rates measured and Calibration gases flow rates set to overflow the inlet. Extra inverter ordered in order to do power changeover on ground whilst keeping instruments running. |
10-Apr-17 |
Day 2 of install for James and Russ. Middle Rack configured. Cabling started on the forward rack. Reconfigure WAS rack so that WAS bottles can be removed. All racks now fitted. |
9-Apr-18 |
Day 1 of install for James and Russ. Floor rails and all external instruments fitted. Stephen and Marvin starting to build up WAS rack. Front Rack bolted in. Steph and Patrick have the LGR instruments for testing. |
6-Apr-18 |
Tom drives all equipment over to Cranfield with Russ. Planning meeting. |
5-Apr-18 |
Russ finishes packing and together with Tom they load the van ready for tomorrow. Picked up cut rails for WAS Rack from Mackays. Modified calibration gas valve panel to add and plumb new Inlet pump. Decision to remove Brechtel Inlet and Aerosol instruments to make space for Picarro. |
4-Apr-18 |
Sorting cargo and reconfiguring for North Sea work. PIcarro removed and packed away and then added back in for North Sea, |
3-Apr-18 |
Cargo returning from Iceland moved out of stores into workshop. |